😎Create your own

Let's go through some steps on how to create your own package-based application, as we don't want to hang out with demo packages for a long time.

Create an application project

We need to decide which kind of application to create first, as it will affect the further steps.

We have a choice between server side apps and bundled apps.

Personally, I strongly recommend working with server side apps for few good reasons, but before listing them, it is important to understand the difference between 2. Zendesk goes into details what's what, but in my own words - server side apps are the web applications that are hosted somewhere else (like Vercel or DigitalOcean) and bundled apps (or they are called "client-apps" by Zendesk, which I think isn't necessary correct term) are hosted on Zendesk's servers, that are not controlled by you.

Benefits of having server side apps are:

  1. Use modern frameworks like NextJS, SvelteKit, Nuxt

    1. Which means you have access to a server side environment also

    2. And by extension have their own caching systems and speed (SSG, SSR, streaming etc).

  2. You are in control of your application server, which is always a plus

  3. Instant application updates. You update the application and it is instantly reflected on your app users screens. There is no need to submit application verifications to Zendesk's marketplace team for a review (which can take up to 3 weeks). Wouldn't it be a nice thing to wait for a hotfix burning your production when you have to wait for approval, even if it's for few days?...

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