
Different but important parts of boilerplate configurations / dependencies.


  "location": Ticket Location, // See more in Support Apps Ticket Locations
  "server_side": boolean,
  "dev_url": string,
  "production_url": string,
  "dev_port": number,
  "size": {
    "height": 400



Controls whether boilerplate will interpretate the package as a server side application or bundled app.

Set to true if your package is server side app. Set to false if your package is bundled app (client side)


Inserted into manifest.json file in location object, to let Zendesk know what is the base URL for the iframe during local development time (when yarn *:run commands are executed).

In 99% of the cases, this should be http://localhost for local development .


Inserted into manifest.json file in location object, to let Zendesk know what is the base URL for the iframe during production build time (when yarn build command is run).

If your application is server side (server_side is set to true), this should be pointing to the URL of your deployed application.

If your application is bundled app (server_side is set to false), this should be pointing to the name of your main .html file, which is served as an entry point by Vite. You can have it named anything you want.


Only used during local development, to set the port of the running Vite / whatever server side app you have next to the dev_url. Adjust this based on which port your application is running on.


Controls the height of your application


Controls the width of your application

Last updated